Hi, I’m Harbir
I am passionate about utilising customer reviews to unlock your business’s online reputation and growth potential. With over 20 years of e-commerce and digital marketing expertise across various industries and leading brands such as Tesco, EE, EDF Energy, Esure Group, Travel Republic, and Ladbrokes, I have firsthand experience harnessing customer reviews to enhance website traffic and conversion rates significantly.
I’m dedicated to helping all businesses provide a great customer experience by providing simple and cost-effective solutions to increase website traffic and revenue. The Trustist team is committed to helping you refine your Digital experiences and build strong reputations with award-winning, easy-to-use tools backed by our unique money-back guarantee.
Take advantage of the opportunity to boost customer engagement and unlock your business’s potential. Schedule a demo today and discover how Trustist can benefit your business.
Trustist offers a comprehensive suite of solutions to empower your business in the digital landscape. Trustist Reviews is the solution for all your online reputation needs, TrustistEcommerce provides a seamless, secure payment solution for online businesses whilst TrustistTransfer makes bank transfer payments a breeze.
Trustist Reviews is a powerful platform that helps businesses manage their online reputation in one place by aggregating reviews from multiple sources.
Through our platform, clients can increase the number of reviews they receive and showcase their excellent reputation on their website using unique widgets. We also help them get stars in search results, giving them an edge over their competitors. These stars, along with the reviews displayed on their website, can increase the client’s website traffic by up to 200%.
TrustistTransfer simplifies bank transfer payments by leveraging Open Banking and QR codes.
TrustistTransfer helps to make bank transfer payments a breeze. This is achieved by combining the power of Open Banking and QR codes to create a simple, cost-effective and secure solution that can all be done on a smartphone! Not only does Open Banking help to keep payments secure and entirely eliminate the risk of chargebacks, the unique offering costs up to 90% less than taking card payments!
TrustistEcommerce revolutionises Ecommerce payments by offering smarter and safer bank transfers.
TrustistEcommerce revolutionises the world of Ecommerce payments by providing the functionality for smarter, safer bank transfers. The simplified payment options means that customers won’t have to enter their card details or any personal information – the Open Banking technology simply allows them to pay directly from their bank account. with market-leading transaction fees, the use of TrustistEcommerce can help to increase profits and protect the business from potential fraud.